Mini resort

Your own resort

The rental business is one of the safest and most reliable investments today. And your resort, made of high-tech modular buildings – makes it especially profitable. Now you have access to many more exotic places where building ordinary real estate is impossible. ECOSPACE will find the right option for your site.

The location of your business is critical to its success. You can provide:

  • Road trip vacations for car travelers as a kind of motel
  • A weekend family vacation in the countryside
  • Beach vacations, both near and far from traditional resorts and communities.
  • Organization of corporate parties and family celebrations
  • Organizing sports, musical events, historical reenactments and festivals
  • Overnight service for tourist groups on tourist routes
  • Vacation for lovers of fishing and hunting.

Difficult terrain, shaky soil, and difficulties in accessing heavy construction equipment are no longer a problem! Our modules can be placed on classic strip foundations, cushion foundations, piles, geoscrews, or even pontoons.


We deliver finished modules with furniture and communications and connect them to the systems in a few hours. This eliminates the issues of long-term construction, delivery of building materials, accommodation of employees, removal, and disposal of construction waste. Costs and construction time are reduced, and you get a turnkey business in the shortest possible time.

We are ready to start with an idea and build a profitable resort business with you.